Wednesday, 29 February 2012

And so it begins

Well here we are; the first day of actual, premium, unbridled, unkempt, full fat animation. My god it's been a thrilling day. Continually tapping the space bar like some kind of space monkey, while those around me become increasingly hostile and aggressive has just been beautiful. We shot the same scene in an array of different positions and angles, as our little clay man crept across the cardboard at speeds comparable to a disabled slug. Tap tap tap went the keyboard as the hours seemed to vanish into the ether,  joy, happiness and life also casualties of this most tedious process. It's not all cumulonimbus clouds however; the sets held there own, the after mentioned clay man performed admirably and the footage we captured was to a consistent standard. Good times! 
Tomorrow we plan to put ourselves through the arduous task yet again. Will we make it through another day? Who knows. If the worst should happen, let it be known that I love my family and regret nothing.